rebeca arango | COPYWRITER

 The Signal Test


Find out where and why your current messaging and sales copy misses the mark.



*Applicable towards a done-for-you package. However, this standalone service is beneficial even if you’re writing or editing your own copy. *


If you’re wondering whether your current copy is poised to maximize your ad spend & visibility ROI, I’m here to clarify things.

In the Signal Test, I take a look at your entire platform OR focus on an element of your choosing.

Within 7 days of submission, you get an organized document full of incisive notes that show you where & why you may want to rethink things. 

My report bring your attention to:

  • Where you’re being vague, abstract, generic or overly jargon-y

  • Disconnected dots that dilute your argument

  • Anywhere you’re subtly undermining the benefits of your work 

  • Tone and content that feels like shaming & blaming

  • Headlines that may be alien to what’s on your client’s mind

  • Questions to help you be more concrete, specific and relevant

  • Even images or design choices that cause a disconnect…if I see it, I’ll call it


Pay a deposit ($150), submit your links and answer just a few questions (plus tell me anything you want me to know). 

Yep. We don’t even have to meet. (But we can if you want – book a Possibility Chat here.)

Within 7 days, I deliver YOUR CUSTOM SIGNAL TEST REPORT!

The REPORT CONTAINS: My clear and useful notes, organized in easy-to-read bullet-points, detailing what’s working, what’s not-so-effective, and where to think more deeply. Plus, questions to point you in the direction of what your client needs to hear from you most.

The SIGNAL TEST is NOT a rewrite.

And my reporting does not speak to every last line of copy.

You may receive a few suggestions for revisions, however by and large this report points out where your copy feels vague, generic or disconnected from your clients’ priorities, and what you can think about to make it more unique, concrete, and specific to their most pressing wants and needs.

The report will focus mostly on the key elements: opening screens, headlines, benefit statements, sales language and calls to action. 

P.S. Prepare for a kind, yet critical eye…

This report contains serious, professional feedback from a seasoned copywriter at the top of their game.


The Signal Test gives you a roadmap to boost your sales and sign-ups.

Use the report to rethink your messaging through the lens of a copywriter with 12+ years experience.

My report is full of clues to help you better speak to what your client is really wondering, wanting, and feeling, so you can get more attention, start more conversations, and help more people.

If you decide you want to hire me to create that new messaging for you, we’ll put your fee towards a larger package.  

However, you’re warmly welcome to use this service even if you don’t have a budget to hire out your copy. It can definitely help you or your team DIY the next evolution of your brand.

Pay a deposit & submit your copy to get started.

 The Signal Test





*Fee applicable towards a done-for-you package.*
